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Can you solve these cryptic clues which all refer to UK TV comedy programmes? You will find the answers here.


1. The end of the season’s vino

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2. Idiots and stallions exclusively included

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3. Less than two units of a measure of length interred

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4. Fighting squad which belonged to my father

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5. Half of four, we hear, added to a posh residence and once pregnancy ends

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6. This snake is definitely not white

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7. Male haricot?

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8. Doubled angel headgear with dropped Hs but extra Ls

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9. Negative non-standard grammar tells maternal figure about a fraction and high temperature

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10. Rarely closed

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11. The moisture is travelling upwards

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12. Rung and part of foot with male offspring

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13. Word of agreement with Gove?

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14. Ashes emerging bird with round table occupants, we hear

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15. Less than two and a half juveniles

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