Autumn Chickens
The Online Magazine for Forward Thinking People in Mid-Life and Beyond
Because we never stop reading
Can you solve these cryptic clues which all refer to UK TV comedy programmes? You will find the answers here.
1. The end of the season’s vino
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2. Idiots and stallions exclusively included
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3. Less than two units of a measure of length interred
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4. Fighting squad which belonged to my father
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5. Half of four, we hear, added to a posh residence and once pregnancy ends
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6. This snake is definitely not white
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7. Male haricot?
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8. Doubled angel headgear with dropped Hs but extra Ls
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9. Negative non-standard grammar tells maternal figure about a fraction and high temperature
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10. Rarely closed
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11. The moisture is travelling upwards
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12. Rung and part of foot with male offspring
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13. Word of agreement with Gove?
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14. Ashes emerging bird with round table occupants, we hear
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15. Less than two and a half juveniles
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